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Choosing a protocol

In addition to the Connect protocol, @connectrpc/connect-web ships with support for the gRPC-web protocol. If your backend does not support the Connect protocol, you can still use Connect clients to interface with it.


The function createConnectTransport() creates a transport for the Connect protocol. It uses the fetch API for the actual network operations, which is widely supported in web browsers. The most important options for the Connect transport are as follows:

import { createConnectTransport } from "@connectrpc/connect-web";

const transport = createConnectTransport({
// Requests will be made to <baseUrl>/<package>.<service>/method
baseUrl: "",

// By default, this transport uses the JSON format.
// Set this option to true to use the binary format.
useBinaryFormat: false,

// Controls what the fetch client will do with credentials, such as
// Cookies. The default value is "same-origin", which will not
// transmit Cookies in cross-origin requests.
credentials: "same-origin",

// Interceptors apply to all calls running through this transport.
interceptors: [],

// By default, all requests use POST. Set this option to true to use GET
// for side-effect free RPCs.
useHttpGet: false,

// Optional override of the fetch implementation used by the transport.
fetch: globalThis.fetch;

We generally recommend the JSON format for web browsers, because it makes it trivial to follow what exactly is sent over the wire with the browser's network inspector.

Connect supports optionally using HTTP GET requests for side-effect free RPC calls, to enable easy use of request caching and more. For more information on HTTP GET requests, see Get Requests.

When creating your transport, you have the option of providing your own custom Fetch function. This can be useful for many different scenarios, such as a overriding or setting Fetch properties as well as working with frameworks such as Svelte that come bundled with their own Fetch implementation.

It is also possible to configure individual Fetch properties when issuing requests. For some examples of customizing Fetch within Connect, take a look at our Interceptors docs. In addition, to see how to work with Fetch in an SSR context with frameworks such as Svelte and Nextjs, visit our documentation on SSR.


The function createGrpcWebTransport() creates a Transport for the gRPC-web protocol. Any gRPC service can be made available to gRPC-web with the Envoy Proxy. ASP.NET Core supports gRPC-web with a middleware. Connect for Node and connect-go support gRPC-web out of the box.

import { createGrpcWebTransport } from "@connectrpc/connect-web";

const transport = createGrpcWebTransport({
// Requests will be made to <baseUrl>/<package>.<service>/method
baseUrl: "",

// By default, this transport uses the binary format, because
// not all gRPC-web implementations support JSON.
useBinaryFormat: true,

// Controls what the fetch client will do with credentials, such as
// Cookies. The default value is "same-origin", which will not
// transmit Cookies in cross-origin requests.
credentials: "include",

// Interceptors apply to all calls running through this transport.
interceptors: [],

// Optional override of the fetch implementation used by the transport.
fetch: globalThis.fetch;